Backcountry Beta Blog

What are the Health Benefits of Bone Broth?

Bone broth has become increasingly popular in recent years, touted for its numerous health benefits. Made from simmering animal bones, bone broth is a nutrient-dense liquid that contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that can support overall health and wellness. In this article, we’ll explore the many health benefits of bone broth and why it’s worth incorporating into your diet. What is Bone Broth? Bone broth is made by simmering animal bones, such as beef, chicken, or fish, for an extended period of time, typically between 12-24 hours. The bones are simmered in water along with various herbs, vegetables,...

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The Benefits of Bone Broth for Gut Health

As the saying goes, a healthy gut equals a healthy body. Maintaining a balanced gut flora is essential for good health, and one way to promote this is by consuming bone broth. Bone broth is made by simmering animal bones and connective tissue in water for an extended period, resulting in a nutrient-dense liquid that can be consumed as a standalone drink or added to other recipes. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of bone broth for gut health. Gut-Healing Nutrients - Bone broth is rich in gelatin, collagen, and amino acids, which help to promote gut healing. Gelatin...

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Rot is Hot

What is Composting? Composting is a natural process that turns organic matter into rich, fertile soil. The composting process is powered by microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, which feast on organic matter and convert it into humus

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Instant Bone Broth vs. Protein Powder:
Why Bone Broth is the Superior Choice for Building Muscle

When it comes to building muscle, many people turn to protein powder as their go-to supplement. However, there's a new player in town: instant bone broth. While protein powder has been the standard for decades, bone broth is quickly gaining popularity as a superior alternative. Here's why: Complete Protein Source: Like protein powder, bone broth is a complete protein source. It contains all the essential amino acids needed for muscle growth and repair. Natural Source: Unlike protein powder, which is often made from artificial ingredients and chemicals, instant bone broth is made from natural, whole food ingredients. This means your...

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