Backcountry Beta Blog — Camping

Campsite Borvo Broth and Veggie Stew

  This hearty and nourishing Borvo Broth and Veggie Stew is perfect for fueling your outdoor adventures. Packed with essential nutrients and easy to prepare at your campsite, this recipe will keep you warm and satisfied after a day of hiking. The star ingredient, Borvo Broth Instant Bone Broth, adds depth of flavor and a protein boost. Feel free to customize the vegetables based on what you have on hand. Ingredients: 1-2 packet of Borvo Broth Instant Bone Broth 1 cup dehydrated mixed vegetables (carrots, peas, corn, etc.) 1/2 cup dehydrated potatoes, diced 1/4 cup dehydrated onions, chopped 1/4 cup...

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Sustainable Camping: Dehydrating Food at Home for Waste-Free Outdoor Meals

  When it comes to sustainable camping, dehydrating food at home is a game-changer. Not only does it reduce plastic waste, but it also allows you to create lightweight, nutrient-packed meals for your camping adventures. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of dehydrating foods and show you how to rehydrate them while camping. Let's get started! Materials You'll Need: Fresh ingredients (fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, etc.) Cutting board and knife Dehydrator or oven Airtight containers or bags Hot water source (camp stove, portable water heater, or thermos) Cooking utensils (pot, pan, spoon) Step 1: Choose Your Ingredients...

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Camping Meal Ideas: How to Incorporate Bone Broth into Your Outdoor Menu

Camping is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors and take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But, one of the biggest challenges of camping is figuring out what to eat. With limited resources and cooking equipment, it can be difficult to come up with nutritious and satisfying meals. That's where instant sipping broth comes in - it's a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of camping meals. Here are some camping meal ideas that incorporate instant sipping broth: Soup: Instant sipping broth makes a great base for soups. Simply add some...

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Bone Broth for Backpackers

Backpacking is a fantastic way to enjoy nature, get exercise, and de-stress from the daily grind. But whether you're a seasoned backpacker or new to the hobby, one of the biggest challenges can be finding nutritious, portable food that won't weigh you down. That's where instant bone broth comes in. Bone broth, in powdered form, is a nutrient-rich, high-protein food that is perfect for backpackers. Here are just a few of the benefits to consider: Lightweight and portable: One of the biggest advantages of instant bone broth is its portability. If you're backpacking, you want to carry as little weight as...

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